Wuilman turned 30 this month! We had just gotten back from Idaho so we just hung out at the house and barbequed. I guess that is one benefit of living in Texas, that you can be outside in January without freezing! Since it was Wuilman's birthday I was going to cook one of his favorite meals from Venezuela that I've learned how to make, but when we got back he said he wanted to grill up a TON of meat. So I let him be in charge.

Everything was a little burnt, but nothing went to waste! Not at our house!

Wuilman is also not a big fan of cakes, but I talked him into letting me make one for him. It wasn't very creative, but it was pink! He likes strawberry :)

These are pictures of Talia outside playing with Cyndi while Wuilman was grilling. Cyndi must have missed Talia because since we've been home, she hasn't attacked Talia and knocked her over as much as she used to. She still licks her face all over (yuck) but she also lets Talia give her hugs!
I'm so glad to see you guys using a barbecue and not having to break out the shopping cart like the good old days!!! Your family picture is way cute. You don't even look like you are due in less than 2 months. Tell Wuilman happy late birthday. Man we have some old husbands. Just think--when you turn 30, you're going to have an 8-year-old. Let me know how your appointment goes. Love ya
Glad he had a happy birthday. DO you have a red wall? I am jealous! I really want one in our house but we don't have a good place to paint it.
Awh! Puppy Nini! or however you spell it. Looks like a fun party! Happy Birthday Wuilman!
Yeah, but when we get to state, we definitely won't be that successful playing like that! Um..I think they start on February 3rd. The season's gone by so fast, I don't know what to do!
I am also gald to see you made it home okay. WIsh we could have hung out more. Happy 30th B-day you old man HAHA Love you both. We will know now in March where we are going we have been told both so? Keep your fingers crossed. Love ya Sarah Dog is a qt one.
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