This summer we have had a lot of "Venezuelan Barbeques" at our house. Wuilman has a friend who was playing for the minor league baseball team here so he and his wife came over to cook. It was nice because I didn't have to cook anything, since I was the only non-venezuelan there :) Luckily there have been a couple night that haven't been too humid so we would stay outside all evening and cook and play dominoes.

One night they made a soup, that for some reason has to be done outside and can't be cooked inside on the stove. So anyway, this is the contraption they made to cook it. They are so proud, can't you tell. They had music blasting too, so that's why Paul has the maracas!

This is Talia dancing with Paul. We think she has a little crush on him, she just loves him and climbs all over him when he is here. She always pretends to call him on her phones, it's too cute.

This is Talia eating the staple of the Venezuelan diet, an arepa. It kind of reminds me of a pita pocket that is made out of a corn flour. You are supposed to cut it open and fill it with anything you want. Talia likes them plain.

More dancing!

This is Krissi hanging out in the hammock after she fell asleep. We have a picture of Talia like this when she was about one year old when we were actually in Venezuela.
When did you chop your hair? I don't remember if you told me that or not.
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